时间: 2024-11-10 12:09:37
1. 苏州是一座历史悠久的城市,拥有许多古老的园林。
Suzhou is a city with a long history, and it has many ancient gardens.
2. 我很喜欢苏州的小桥流水和古典建筑。
I really like the small bridges, flowing water, and classical architecture in Suzhou.
3. 苏州的美食非常有名,尤其是小吃和美味的点心。
Suzhou is famous for its delicious food, especially its snacks and tasty dim sum.
4. 在苏州旅游,一定要去拙政园和留园感受古典园林的美丽。
When visiting Suzhou, be sure to visit the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Lingering Garden to experience the beauty of classical gardens.
5. 苏州的丝绸产业是中国著名的传统产业之一。
The silk industry in Suzhou is one of China's famous traditional industries.
6. 苏州的水乡风情吸引了许多游客前来观光。
The water town scenery in Suzhou attracts many tourists to come and visit.
7. 苏州是中国著名的历史文化名城。
Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city in China.
8. 苏州的园林建筑在世界范围内都享有盛誉。
Suzhou's garden architecture is renowned worldwide.
9. 苏州是中国最具特色的旅游城市之一。
Suzhou is one of the most distinctive tourist cities in China.
10. 苏州的夜景很美,尤其是古典园林的夜晚。
The night view in Suzhou is beautiful, especially the classical gardens at night.
11. 苏州的传统手工艺品很有特色,如刺绣和剪纸等。
Suzhou's traditional handicrafts are very distinctive, such as embroidery and paper cutting.
12. 苏州的博物馆展示了丰富的历史文化遗产。
Suzhou's museums showcase a rich cultural heritage.
13. 苏州的古镇古街保存完好,有着浓厚的历史气息。
The ancient towns and streets in Suzhou are well-preserved and have a strong historical atmosphere.
14. 苏州的传统建筑风格多样,有着独特的韵味。
Suzhou's traditional architectural styles are diverse and have a unique charm.
15. 苏州是中国著名的文化名城,有着丰富的文化底蕴。
Suzhou is a famous cultural city in China, with a rich cultural heritage.
16. 苏州的园林建筑被誉为“江南园林之冠”。
Suzhou's garden architecture is known as the "crown of Jiangnan gardens".
17. 苏州的地标建筑包括东方之门和狮子林等。
Landmark buildings in Suzhou include the East Gate and the Lion Grove.
18. 苏州的古运河是中国著名的水利工程,具有重要历史价值。
The ancient canal in Suzhou is a famous water project in China and has important historical value.
19. 苏州的刺绣工艺被列入联合国非物质文化遗产名录。
Suzhou's embroidery craft has been listed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
20. 苏州的美丽风景吸引了无数艺术家和文人墨客前来创作。
The beautiful scenery in Suzhou has attracted countless artists and literati to come and create.